Your Cotton Picker Fan Needs to Be Working!

The cotton picker fan is one of your picker’s most important parts. If it stops working, your harvest will lose efficiency, at least, or fail completely in the worst-case scenario. When you find shortcomings in picking or moistening, it is likely time to act quickly to replace a fan. If you fail to take that step, here are the four essential functions your harvester will miss out on until you install a new fan:

  • Preventing choke problems: Chokes or missed spots occur most frequently early in the morning, when there is still dew. If this is the case with your chokes, you likely need to plan picking for a later time of day. There will be times this happens no matter the time of day, and you may find you are spending extra time going over rows multiple times. If you consistently have this problem, your air delivery is lacking, and that decreases the functioning of your harvester. Checking your fans when there is a consistent choke problem, and replacing them when needed, can reduce the frequency of this.
  • Moistening spindles: The spindle moistening system is fan-powered. If your water supply is topped off and the spray nozzle works fine, chances are, the fans that power the whole apparatus are likely falling short. This is fortunately a quick problem to diagnose and address when the other causes are easily eliminated. Inadequate moisture means more seeds and a higher chance of fires, so you definitely want fans working well in this area, too.
  • Air volume delivery: Fans are also connected to the cotton conveyer duct. This is the seed removing system that depends heavily on airflow. If the fan is not delivering the air, this system will not function. The problem can also be attributed to engine throttle problems and other issues, including picking cotton too early, so you will want to inspect all parts thoroughly before spending money on a new cotton picker fan.
  • Engine airflow: Just as with any vehicle, your harvester also requires airflow to prevent overheating. That is another essential function that goes neglected when fans are either inefficient or stop working altogether. There is a caveat, though—if you suspect a fire is imminent, the fan will only make the problem worse. So be sure to learn the warning signs of fire, so you can turn it off before the situation becomes serious.

Fans are usually replaced after 600 hours of use. Chances are, if you have not replaced a fan on your picker for a while, it is likely time to buy a new one before you face a complete harvester breakdown. If you are replacing spindles or any other parts around it, you may want to replace the fan at the same time so those parts are all on the same schedule.

If it is time to replace a cotton picker fan, contact Certi-Pik, USA today. We offer a comprehensive catalog of parts so your harvester can perform reliably for a long time.

Preserve Cotton Picker Parts with Good Operation

The best asset for a successful cotton harvest is a good operator. Your harvester definitely ranks high in this area, too, but it can only do so much if you or the operator you hire lacks certain knowledge and skills. Fortunately, teaching people is always possible and learning more about your own harvester is a good investment of time, which makes this a simple problem to solve. Here is what you (or your hired hand) need to do or know to guarantee efficient operation of your harvester:

Once you become the ideal operator or you decide to hire one instead, be sure to know where you can buy the best cotton picker parts when it comes time to repair or maintain your harvester. Contact Certi-Pik, USA today to see our catalog.

When Should You Start Picking Your Cotton?

If you are knew to the world of cotton picking, or are just looking to maximize your efficiency and get the best yield possible, then there is one crucial question you ought to be asking: When in the season, and on a day-to-day basis, should I start picking my cotton crop?

As any experienced cotton picker knows, the answer to this question often hinges on the balance between getting the most cotton possible without needing to stop to clean or care for your equipment. To that end, here are a few tips on when to start picking cotton, from your cotton picker parts specialist.

Seeing green

One crucial factor to consider when picking cotton is the amount of green leaves you see on your cotton stalks. While green leaves signify a fresh crop, they can also add a good amount of moisture to your cotton crop. This might sound like a positive thing to an outsider, but cotton growers know that moisture can clog up your cotton picking equipment, necessitating more breaks from picking and slowing down the entire process.

However, waiting for the green leaves to disappear completely is not an option, as this will result in a lower crop yield. Experts tend to agree that picking cotton once somewhere between 85 and 90 percent of the field is open makes for the highest yield and the most efficient picking process. By keeping an eye on your cotton fields every day, you should be able to determine this best picking time for you and your plants.

Measuring humidity

Another major factor to be considered when picking cotton is humidity in the air. For many crops, farmers try to get up as early as possible and start picking, so that they can be done before the harsh heat sets in for the day.

But with cotton, picking too early in the morning might not be ideal, because humidity levels are often at their highest in the morning. In fact, it is not uncommon to see humidity levels at 90 percent each morning in cotton country. As mentioned above, too much moisture can be bad both for the plant and for the overall picking process.

Nighttime also sees high humidity levels, again as high as 90 percent. This leaves us with midday, when humidity levels can drop to somewhere between 30 and 40 percent. This is generally considered prime time for cotton pickers everywhere.

Buying the best

If you want to have the best possible yield without sacrificing efficiency, you need to be thinking about more than just timing. While taking steps to avoid high moisture and humidity levels is important, picking the right gear is just as crucial, and perhaps even more so. After all, quality equipment will inherently be more efficient and make for a better picking experience.

If you are looking for the best cotton pickers and cotton picker parts on the market, it is time for you to get in touch with Certi-Pik, USA. We look forward to helping you find the right equipment for your cotton business.

Preseason Maintenance Items for Cotton Harvesting Units

Year in and year out, cotton pickers experience a tremendous degree of wear and tear as they navigate thousands of acres of crops, diligently picking bolls off of millions of stalks. And while the modern marvels of machinery have made it possible for harvesters to do this seemingly with ease, there’s still a high degree of maintenance that’s required to make sure harvesters are kept functional and efficient.

Preseason is the time to take a proactive approach to maintaining the functionality of a harvester. Cleaning, calibrating and replacing John Deere cotton picker parts before the harvest season is a great way to ensure yet another year of efficient harvesting, while also ensuring your investment in a picker remains sound. Take a look at just some of the maintenance items that should be making the list each preseason:

The preseason list goes on and on, also encompassing routine systems such as compressor doors, plant lifters, picker ribs and air conveyance systems. Inspection and maintenance of every part is critical in the preseason and will absolutely prevent costly setbacks and damages come the harvest time. Moreover, paying attention to John Deere cotton picker parts in the preseason allows for more time spent assessing damages or operations before the harvester needs to be functional.

When Do You Need New Cotton Picker Parts?

It is always less expensive to replace cotton picker parts than the entire harvester. That is why it is important to pay attention and know when parts are starting to show shortcomings. Start by being aware of these five signs that it may be time to order new parts and increase the efficiency of your harvest:

If your harvester requires new parts or a rebuild, contact Certi-Pik, USA for a catalog. We fabricate parts for many models of picking units and would be glad to help you achieve a more productive harvest.