Maximize Your Skip Row Cotton Farming Techniques
In recent years, skip row farming of cotton crops has become more and more popular with cotton farmers across the country. Farmers have found that skip row planting may result in lower input costs for seed and technology with approximately even cotton yields over the years.
In order to maximize the efficiency and accuracy of your skip row cotton farming techniques, you need to ensure that your cotton harvester parts are in great condition to keep your machinery up and running. If you’ve never heard of or considered skip row farming for your harvesting business, do not worry; the professionals at Certi-Pik, USA have created this short guide to help you better understand the technique, its benefits and the necessity of quality cotton harvester parts for the technique’s smooth operations.
What is skip row planting?
In most cotton fields, cotton seed is planted in thick rows of 38 to 40 inches in width. These rows are often placed right next to each other, creating a solid field of cotton crops. The technique known as skip row planting involves planting rows of cotton that are thinner—typically 30 inches in width and skipping a row after every two rows. This is known as a 2:1 skip row formation.
Because the technique requires skipping rows, farmers should plant their cotton seed closer together in the rows to achieve similar yields each year. Special care should also be taken to keep skipped rows as free of weeds as possible while the cotton crops are growing.
Benefits of skip row planting
Although the benefits of skip row planting have been under some slight debate, some farmers have claimed that the technique helps them decrease input costs for seed and machinery. Depending on the type of equipment farmers have, they also may be able to cut down on the time required to plant seed.
Skip row farming has also been known to produce larger and more fruitful cotton crops because the crops have more room to grow with a skip row next to them. The technique is said to increase light penetration before canopy closure, as well, due to the additional spacing.
Why quality cotton harvester parts are important
Using machinery that is equipped with reliable cotton harvester parts is an important part of all cotton farming practices, but quality parts are even more important in skip row farming. Farmers who are interested in converting their machines from standard to skip row picking need to use quality parts to make those transitions.
Additionally, using quality harvester parts will further aid farmers in reducing input and harvesting costs, due to the lower amount of downtime and replacement necessary.
Choose us for top-quality cotton harvester parts
Do you use the skip row farming technique for your cotton harvest? Contact Certi-Pik, USA for your supply of quality cotton harvester parts. We manufacture and supply quality parts to keep your cotton picker running smoothly. We offer parts for a wide range of models, including specialty items at competitive prices. Contact us to see what we can do to help your business!