Tips on Maximizing Cotton Picking Efficiency
Are you wondering how you can make the most of this year’s cotton crop? Thanks to technological advancements and continuing innovations in the way that agricultural goods are planted, grown and harvested, you may be able to maximize your investment in this year’s planting and produce a bumper harvest.
The best way to ensure that you are receiving the best possible return on your crop investment is to utilize the highest possible quality of cotton picker parts. Using cotton picker parts produced by a well known and trusted fabricator is a surefire way to guarantee that you will be able to make the most of your crop.
In addition to using high-quality harvesting equipment, there are a number of other ways that you can make the most of your time, seed and soil. Here are just some of the most significant ways that you can maximize your field’s efficiency, and implement an effective strategy to make this year’s harvest more productive than ever:
- Check your spindles: One of the most important components of the cotton picking process is the picker spindles. If any of the spindles are damaged, deformed or missing, you will not be able to yield your full crop. Work with a trusted purveyor of cotton picker parts to replace any damaged or missing spindles.
- Clean the spindles: Once all of your spindles are intact and in proper working order, you must ensure that they are cleaned and lubricated. Debris on the spindles or a lack of proper motion can result in lost harvest opportunities in your fields. Working with mechanical experts is the best way to maximize your yield.
- Align the equipment: The spindles and the doffers on your cotton picker must be perfectly aligned before you take your machine out into the field. If these two components are out of alignment, it will result in lost bolls during the harvesting process. Consult with a cotton picker parts expert to learn more about attaining alignment.
- Calibrate clearance: Make sure that the spindle tip clearance and the picker head height are perfectly calibrated well in advance. Failure to calibrate these two components can result in lost crops and bolls that haven’t been properly yielded. If you are unsure about the proper way to calibrate your machine, consult with a cotton picker parts expert.
Since 1988, Certi-Pik, USA has been the nation’s foremost fabricator of cotton picker parts. For nearly three decades, farmers have relied on us to provide them with the most dependable, trustworthy agricultural supplies in the region. You can count on us to deliver reliable components that will help you to maximize your field’s efficiency, and receive the largest possible return on your investment. We are proud to support American cotton growers with our high-quality, domestically fabricated components.
If you are looking for ways to improve your cotton picking processes, you should reach out to one of our talented and knowledgeable associates today to learn more about the ways that we can help you make the most of your cotton fields.