5 Tips for Replacing Old Cotton Picker Parts

The numerous parts that make up your specialized machinery for cotton harvesting are not built to last forever. With proper maintenance and care, parts can last for their full life expectancy, but they do begin to break down over time and with continued use. Failure of cotton picker parts is accelerated by improper use, a lack of maintenance, failure to clean the machine, the use of little to no lubrication and poor manufacturing.

We at Certi-Pik, USA always encourage cotton farmers to routinely inspect their machines and all their parts. Replacing cotton picker parts before they fail completely is much cheaper than waiting to replace them until after they break and cause damage to other parts of the machine. During your routine parts inspection, use these tips to help you identify when it is the right time to invest in replacement parts for your cotton harvester:

  • Visual evidence of wear: During your routine inspection of your cotton picker parts, you should be able to notice clear visible signs of wear and tear on most parts. Spindles, moistener pads and bearings, in particular, typically show obvious signs of deterioration or fraying, which is a telltale indicator they should be replaced as soon as possible.
  • Decreased picker efficiency: During your harvest, if you notice your cotton harvester is leaving cotton in the field or is otherwise decreasing in efficiency, there may be a problem with one or more of its parts. To start, make minor adjustments to see if the problem rectifies itself. If the efficiency continues to drop, do a thorough inspection of the machine’s parts to identify where the problem lies.
  • Adjustments fail to make a difference: Some parts need to be adjusted every so often to ensure smooth functionality, but there comes a point where no amount of adjustment can make up for the wear on a part. In fact, some parts become so worn down that they cannot achieve the necessary alignments. If you make adjustments to a part only to have the part continue to fail, it’s probably time to replace it.
  • Parts have been poorly maintained: In the event that you obtain a used and poorly maintained cotton harvester from someone else, or you yourself have neglected to maintain your cotton picker in recent years, the chances that you will need to replace parts is high. Cotton pickers require extensive maintenance and lubrication to remain effective and safe, and if that maintenance doesn’t occur, parts fail much faster.
  • Fires start easily: Fires in your cotton harvester can quickly turn into a disaster for your machines and cotton fields. Regular cleanings will help cut down on the risk of cotton picker fires, but sometimes the problem doesn’t lie with dirty parts. Worn-out parts can also cause fires, as they are more likely to collect debris and oil that fuel frequent fires.

To browse a wide selection of manufactured and fabricated cotton picker parts, call Certi-Pik, USA. We also offer a broad list of quality specialty items and sheet metal parts for rebuilding picker units. For more than 30 years, we’ve served customers around the world with our top-quality products and competitive prices. Call today!

Rebuilding Your Harvester with John Deere Cotton Picker Parts

Any machinery rebuilding project will likely require purchasing new parts to replace older or broken parts. Such is the case with a failing or old cotton harvester. If you choose to rebuild your machine instead of scrapping or selling it, know that the whole process is made simpler when you have a reputable source for quality John Deere cotton picker parts. And, since ideally you want your harvester to work well for years to come, you’ll definitely want to purchase these specialty parts from a source you trust.

If you are planning to rebuild your cotton harvester with John Deere cotton picker parts, then the following information is for you!

Choose a trusted source

Chances are low that you’ll find cotton harvester replacement parts at your local home improvement store. This is a niche industry and you’ll need to seek out a source for in-stock and custom parts building. First, find a distributor that carries parts for your particular harvester model. This means getting familiar with your harvesting equipment’s specifications. Choose a source that offers the best harvester brands on the market, like John Deere, so you can go through your cotton harvest with the peace of mind that comes with being able to trust your parts and machines for years to come. Key parts you’ll need to keep in mind include:

Getting ready to start a cotton harvester rebuilding project? While this list covers just a few of the key harvester parts, you can find everything you need for at Certi-Pik, USA! Contact us today for a list of in-stock John Deere cotton picker parts.

Tips on Maximizing Cotton Picking Efficiency

Are you wondering how you can make the most of this year’s cotton crop? Thanks to technological advancements and continuing innovations in the way that agricultural goods are planted, grown and harvested, you may be able to maximize your investment in this year’s planting and produce a bumper harvest.

The best way to ensure that you are receiving the best possible return on your crop investment is to utilize the highest possible quality of cotton picker parts. Using cotton picker parts produced by a well known and trusted fabricator is a surefire way to guarantee that you will be able to make the most of your crop.

In addition to using high-quality harvesting equipment, there are a number of other ways that you can make the most of your time, seed and soil. Here are just some of the most significant ways that you can maximize your field’s efficiency, and implement an effective strategy to make this year’s harvest more productive than ever:

Since 1988, Certi-Pik, USA has been the nation’s foremost fabricator of cotton picker parts. For nearly three decades, farmers have relied on us to provide them with the most dependable, trustworthy agricultural supplies in the region. You can count on us to deliver reliable components that will help you to maximize your field’s efficiency, and receive the largest possible return on your investment. We are proud to support American cotton growers with our high-quality, domestically fabricated components.

If you are looking for ways to improve your cotton picking processes, you should reach out to one of our talented and knowledgeable associates today to learn more about the ways that we can help you make the most of your cotton fields.

Difference Between Cotton Strippers & Cotton Picker Spindles

Like all crops, cotton must be harvested before further steps can be taken to prepare it for sale to consumers—this includes cleaning and packaging. First things first, once the cotton crop has grown to maturity, the cotton will need to be separated from its stalks. While cotton crops of the past were picked by hand, today’s cotton farmers are taking advantage of cotton harvesting machines. A cotton harvester is a relatively simple and effective machine, but it’s important that you invest in the right type of harvester to ensure an excellent harvest and high quality cotton.

When researching cotton harvesters, you will notice that there are two good options on the market: cotton strippers and cotton picker spindles. Both are made to assist in the cotton harvesting process, although they each have their own methods of doing so.

So, if both cotton strippers and cotton picker spindles are used to harvest cotton, is there a difference between the two?

What Is a Cotton Picker Machine?

Just as the name suggests, a cotton picker basically picks the cotton. It picks the cotton from the bolls—which are the fluffy and round clumps of cotton you see growing on the plants—using revolving prongs or finger-like spindles. The burr and used parts of the boll are left behind. As harsh as the picker looks, it is able to pick cotton quickly and efficiently without causing damage to the plant parts or the unopened bolls.

Since mature cotton plants will continuously produce during the growing season, it’s typical to see a cotton picker running through the cotton fields more than once throughout the harvest months, but only if the bolls are ripe and ready to go.

What Are Cotton Stripper Spindles?

In contrast to cotton pickers, cotton strippers are harvest machines that are used once, and used in areas where certain weather conditions prevent repeat harvests. As you can imagine, this harvesting method is more invasive in comparison to picking cotton bolls only when they are ripe.

In the case of cotton strippers, these machines are designed to pull the entire boll, whether ripe or still growing, or the plant stalk is cut as close to the ground as possible. Yes, the entire stalk is taken along with the bolls. Then another machine works to remove the burr and any unwanted vegetation, which is everything but the cotton material. Though collected, the unripe green bolls are not kept. Instead, they are separated out of the harvest and sent to the underside of the harvester.

Modern cotton picking equipment makes harvest time a lot simpler. Ultimately, it’s up to you, the farmer, to choose a harvester that best suits your needs. Either type of cotton machine will need regular care and maintenance to ensure maximum picking efficiency every harvest season. And since they are hard-working, you’ll need to plan ahead for replacement parts.

Make sure your cotton harvest goes smoothly with the help of cotton strippers or cotton picker spindles, as well as a stellar harvesting team. Contact us at Certi-Pik, USA to learn more about your cotton harvester options, and the cotton picker parts we offer!

Check Your Cotton Picker Parts to Avoid Costly Expenses

Your cotton picker is the central part of your harvest season—without it, you wouldn’t be able to collect every acre of your cotton crop, meaning you may lose a lot of money. You need your cotton picker to be in perfect condition, which means that each part on your picker should be in good shape, too. Failing parts typically means failing machinery and a failing farming business.

Routine inspection and maintenance on your cotton picker parts are crucial for the longevity of your machinery. You may be tempted to skip inspection as long as the picker seems to be functioning properly, but this is a big mistake. Failing to check your equipment regularly typically results in an unknown broken part that could cause major damage and safety hazards if left untreated.

The importance of inspecting your cotton picker parts

Cotton pickers are large pieces of machinery that come with a host of safety hazards for both the operator and your crops. Because of the sheer amount of use cotton pickers see in a given season, parts begin to break down and may need replacement sooner than expected. If you aren’t regularly checking your cotton picker parts, you may not know something is about to break. Checking your parts is part of preventative maintenance to catch problems before they happen. If you see that a belt or pivot is worn down, you can replace it before you incur costly downtime from a broken machine.

Leaving broken parts on a cotton picker can also cause further damage to your machine over time. Belts, pivots and other parts that aren’t functioning properly can rub, scrape or smash other parts of your machine. If you check your parts routinely and find something broken, you have the opportunity to get it replaced before more parts get broken or worn down.

What to check and when

There are certain aspects of your cotton picker that should be checked each morning and night, before and after use. The engine, in particular, should be routinely checked to ensure that all coolant, engine oil and transmission oil are full and ready for use that day. Similarly, the tires and tire pressure should be checked approximately every 12 hours to avoid a problem while in the field.

Most axles and pivots should be routinely checked and lubricated between every 50 and 100 hours to ensure that they will continue to run smoothly. The feed belt and wrap floor belt tensions should also be checked. Refer to the user’s manual for your specific cotton picker model to view the recommended cleaning and maintenance schedule for your cotton picker parts.

Rely on the best if your cotton picker parts fail

If you check your machine and find that you need replacement cotton picker parts, contact Certi-Pik, USA. We manufacture and supply quality parts to keep your cotton picker running smoothly. We offer parts for a wide range of models, including specialty items, at competitive prices. Contact us to see what we can do to help your business!