Use John Deere Parts This Harvester Season

The proper function of your cotton picker is crucial for the successful harvest of your cotton crop. In order to ensure that your machinery is working the way it should, you need to complete regular maintenance and inspect your machinery for signs of damage or wear. In some cases, you may even need to rebuild your harvester with John Deere cotton picker parts. Find out more about some of the major components of your harvester that you should check before the harvesting season begins:

  • Tilt: In order for cotton pickers to effectively harvest a crop and separate cotton fiber from other plant matter, the rows of spindles are set at an angle so that the spindles are as low to the soil as possible, typically about one inch above the ground. With this tilt, spindles are kept at a slightly vertical angle for more effective harvesting. Make sure to check the tilt of your spindle rows before harvesting to ensure that it is calibrated for the best harvest possible.
  • Spindle bushings: Your spindles are an essential component of your harvester, and it’s important that you inspect them regularly. For the best yield, make sure that spindles are kept sharp at the front of the barb—this allows them to effectively separate cotton fibers from plant matter. If your cotton picker has been in storage for several months, you may notice rust developing on spindles and bushings. If you observe rust, it’s a good idea to replace damaged components with quality John Deere cotton picker parts.
  • Picker ribs: Picker ribs are supposed to work in tandem with your cotton picker spindle to remove sticks, burs and other debris from cotton fiber. When the spindles and ribs are both in good condition, they create an effect that’s similar to a cotton gin through centrifugal cleaning. Look for missing, damaged or loose ribs that may take a toll on the effectiveness of your cotton picker. You should also look for any other signs of damage or wear that might warrant replacement of some or all of your ribs.
  • Doffers: A doffer uses unwinding and stripping motions to pull cotton seed matter from the spindles. These doffers need to be positioned very close to the spindles in order to work effectively. Over time, you might notice that your doffers become less effective. If this happens, you should first check to ensure that they are properly positioned. Then, take a look at the components themselves to determine whether they are worn or damaged. You can work with a provider of John Deere cotton picker parts if you need to replace your old doffers.

Are you looking for qualtiy replacement parts to rebuild your cotton harvester? At Certi-Pik, USA, we offer an inventory of standard and specialty parts, as well as fabricating services, depending on your needs. We have decades of experience in the industry, and we would be happy to help you find exactly what you’re looking for. Get in touch today!

How to Clean Cotton Picker Parts

If you’ve been in the cotton growing industry for a length of time, you know just how important it is to keep your equipment clean. It’s especially important to clean that equipment at the end of each season—the harvester and baler must be cleaned and maintained before being put away for the season. Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as just quickly taking a hose to the equipment and letting it air dry. There’s a thorough set of processes that must be used when cleaning the picker and baler parts to ensure they function next year and far beyond.

Here are some of the methods you will need to use to clean your individual cotton picker and baler parts to ensure these components will be able to stand the test of time:

For more tips about cleaning your cotton picker and baler, contact the experts at Certi-Pik, USA today.

5 Tips for Replacing Old Cotton Picker Parts

The numerous parts that make up your specialized machinery for cotton harvesting are not built to last forever. With proper maintenance and care, parts can last for their full life expectancy, but they do begin to break down over time and with continued use. Failure of cotton picker parts is accelerated by improper use, a lack of maintenance, failure to clean the machine, the use of little to no lubrication and poor manufacturing.

We at Certi-Pik, USA always encourage cotton farmers to routinely inspect their machines and all their parts. Replacing cotton picker parts before they fail completely is much cheaper than waiting to replace them until after they break and cause damage to other parts of the machine. During your routine parts inspection, use these tips to help you identify when it is the right time to invest in replacement parts for your cotton harvester:

To browse a wide selection of manufactured and fabricated cotton picker parts, call Certi-Pik, USA. We also offer a broad list of quality specialty items and sheet metal parts for rebuilding picker units. For more than 30 years, we’ve served customers around the world with our top-quality products and competitive prices. Call today!

Rebuilding Your Harvester with John Deere Cotton Picker Parts

Any machinery rebuilding project will likely require purchasing new parts to replace older or broken parts. Such is the case with a failing or old cotton harvester. If you choose to rebuild your machine instead of scrapping or selling it, know that the whole process is made simpler when you have a reputable source for quality John Deere cotton picker parts. And, since ideally you want your harvester to work well for years to come, you’ll definitely want to purchase these specialty parts from a source you trust.

If you are planning to rebuild your cotton harvester with John Deere cotton picker parts, then the following information is for you!

Choose a trusted source

Chances are low that you’ll find cotton harvester replacement parts at your local home improvement store. This is a niche industry and you’ll need to seek out a source for in-stock and custom parts building. First, find a distributor that carries parts for your particular harvester model. This means getting familiar with your harvesting equipment’s specifications. Choose a source that offers the best harvester brands on the market, like John Deere, so you can go through your cotton harvest with the peace of mind that comes with being able to trust your parts and machines for years to come. Key parts you’ll need to keep in mind include:

Getting ready to start a cotton harvester rebuilding project? While this list covers just a few of the key harvester parts, you can find everything you need for at Certi-Pik, USA! Contact us today for a list of in-stock John Deere cotton picker parts.

Tips on Maximizing Cotton Picking Efficiency

Are you wondering how you can make the most of this year’s cotton crop? Thanks to technological advancements and continuing innovations in the way that agricultural goods are planted, grown and harvested, you may be able to maximize your investment in this year’s planting and produce a bumper harvest.

The best way to ensure that you are receiving the best possible return on your crop investment is to utilize the highest possible quality of cotton picker parts. Using cotton picker parts produced by a well known and trusted fabricator is a surefire way to guarantee that you will be able to make the most of your crop.

In addition to using high-quality harvesting equipment, there are a number of other ways that you can make the most of your time, seed and soil. Here are just some of the most significant ways that you can maximize your field’s efficiency, and implement an effective strategy to make this year’s harvest more productive than ever:

Since 1988, Certi-Pik, USA has been the nation’s foremost fabricator of cotton picker parts. For nearly three decades, farmers have relied on us to provide them with the most dependable, trustworthy agricultural supplies in the region. You can count on us to deliver reliable components that will help you to maximize your field’s efficiency, and receive the largest possible return on your investment. We are proud to support American cotton growers with our high-quality, domestically fabricated components.

If you are looking for ways to improve your cotton picking processes, you should reach out to one of our talented and knowledgeable associates today to learn more about the ways that we can help you make the most of your cotton fields.